Chinese Monopoly

We really like boardgames. It has even come to the point where we have a weekly game night at our place. Most board games don’t work for 2 people, but a friend of ours lives on a mountain nearby and is happy to come down every now and then for a nice meal and a game. It’s a win win situation, really!

There is one department store in town, and that’s where we scored a funky version of Risk. We also got Scotland Yard from there, and then we have some card games (brought from home) like Koehandel and Bohnanza.

But recently we became the proud owners of a brand new Monopoly game. The first thing we noticed was that the street names were in French. But that shouldn’t be a problem.
Then, while playing, we started noticing a few more details that didn’t seem to be quite right…

Paker brothersMaybe we could have taken this as a little hint…

street namesGood luck getting your property card when you buy Boulevard Malesherbes…

street namesThis is the front

street names…and this is the back. Eiffel Tower? Christ Redeemer?

chanceThat just sounds cute.

community chestBut we really had no idea what this was supposed to mean. Do we get anything? Or are we supposed to pay something? 7%, but over what?

aeroports Now that’s cool. More rent if you own more ‘aeroports’. But wait…where ARE the aeroports…? How can we own them?

community chestGo back, Belleville!!


street namesOk ok, I know. We could figure this one out easily. But still.

streefTo call a street a streef is one thing.

street nameBut now it gets confusing. A street and a streef. And one of the properties simply doesn’t have a card.


not sure

I guess in the end they weren’t so sure of this game either.

8 thoughts on “Chinese Monopoly

  1. Wat het schattigst is wat betreft de lay out van deze uitvoering is de politie-agent met zijn bolle wangen en zijn fluitje. ‘Ik ben niet bang hem te gebruiken! Geen stap verder!’ En de tekst erbij: ‘Go in prison!’ *met Frans accent*

  2. ik vind het spel inderdaad hilarisch, maar jouw tekst ook: ook bij de tweede keer lezen moet ik hardop lachen bij de zin “a friend of ours lives on a mountain nearby”…..

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